Brand delivery is about turning your brand strategy into something tangible that makes a positive impact on your organization. That could mean helping you to launch new products, break into new markets or reach new customers. It creates the opportunity for you to influence what people think and how they behave – to encourage them to buy your products and services, rather than your competitor’s.

What is Brand Delivery?

Brand delivery is the stage where you consider how to make the best use of your brand. It’s a long-term approach for delivering long-term benefit to your organisation. Brand delivery translates your brand strategy from being a plan – a collection of ideas – into something physical that your customers experience. It’s not about launching a marketing campaign. It’s about understanding how to apply your brand to your business, so it makes a positive impact – day after day, month after month, year after year.

How we work with you

Brand delivery is a long-term activity, so some clients are looking for long-term support. This could involve regular meetings to review your targets and brand strategy, or it could just mean being at the end of the phone when there’s a question. Either way, we’re happy to be part of the team.

Some clients (often larger organisations) have all the resource they need in-house, so they only need our help to deliver some specialist support. Other clients don’t have the skills (or perhaps the time), so we might work with them more frequently.

Whatever support is needed, we provide the necessary brand management to help our clients achieve their business goals.

When you need to think about this

As soon as you have created your brand, you need to get it in front of your target audience, and start selling your products or services. Your brand strategy will give you the framework for doing this. But brand delivery is the phase where you turn your strategy into action.

To do this efficiently and effectively, you need to manage your brand. Brand management will help you to hit your targets (those goals you set as part of your brand strategy). It provides a framework for you to regularly review your brand strategy, to identify what’s working, and what isn’t. That way you can make any changes you need.

Brand delivery is the phase where everything comes together and you bring your brand strategy to life. Your brand identity provides the tools you need to deliver your strategy, and brand management allows you to measure the impact.

If you would like to know more about brand delivery, and what it could do for your organisation, drop us an email, or call Jonathan on 07816 870842. It would be great to hear from you!

Some of our work